Organogram of the MIMS team

From MIMS Wiki
Revision as of 09:17, 24 February 2020 by (talk)

MIMS team

The MIMS team is split into two groups, the data curators and the system developers, with Graham Traas as coordinator and Lauren Williams as the acting MIMS Manager.

The data curation team can help you accession your data, assist with metadata creation and give you access to accessioned data. They can also advise on data and metadata formats and schemas and other queries of that nature. They should be your first point of reference for all questions about your data, and MIMS.

All requests to the MIMS team should be submitted through the ticket system, instructions on using it can be found here.

Data Curators can be used to contact the entire curation team.

The system administration team can help with technical support.

System admins

Software Developers