Embargoing data

From MIMS Wiki
Revision as of 10:17, 24 February 2020 by (talk)

As far as possible data that is uploaded to MIMS should be published openly, however if you have data that is ready to be uploaded to MIMS, but which you aren’t ready to have made open to the public yet (for example if you are in the process of publishing a paper based on the data), then you can request that it be published to MIMS but under an embargo.

You can assign an embargo period of up to 36 months and if you need it embargoed for longer than that you can request another embargo period when before the embargo period is up. The curation team will be collecting the reasons for embargo and sending them on to the Chief Director.

The metadata record describing embargoed data will be published and the data itself will also be published in MIMS but will be password protected. If users wish to request access to embargoed data they will contact the data owner directly who can then submit a ticket to the data curators if they wish to give the user access to the data.